Friday, July 27, 2007


Delight came to work today!!!! I was excited to see that she felt well enough to come to work the day after she had her chemo!!!

Cindy took her to Texarkana this morning to get her shot. So when they got back into town she thought she would just come to work. The examiners had some questions that they needed her to answer.

She said that this may be one of those times when the chemo doesn't make her sick. I hope that is the case.

DELIGHT-O-METER is at a 10 today!!!!!!!!!

Keep it up Delight. You are doing GREAT!!!!!

Have a Good Weekend



Anonymous said...

Oh good - this will be the time the chemo doesn't make you sick - keep thinking positive.
I am counting the days to August 24th!
Have a great weekend and know that we love you.
Vicky & Jim

Anonymous said...

Glad to see that you're feeling good, Delight!