Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Delight just called and said that she was scheduled for radiation Feb. 18 at Presbyterian Hospital. She will have only one treatment.

They were on the way home. She sounded extremely tired. She was ready to get home and get in the bed.

Lisa suggested that we start cooking again for them. She is going to cook tomorrow night. If anyone is interested in cooking a meal for them just call the bank and talk to Tonya and she will be happy to give you a time that is open.




Anonymous said...

Heh! Sis,
I read your blog and won't call till maybe tomorrow-Wed. Sounds like you have need for some R & R tonight. I love you and sure enjoyed celebrating with you Sat. I will talk to you later. Charlie

Andrea Griggs said...

Keeping you in my prayers. What a treat to get to see Peggy. Love you - Annie

Anonymous said...

Delight, I wish I was closer, I would cook for you guys...Please let me know if you need anything when you come to Dallas. I love you, Vicki

Anonymous said...

I don't post often but I do try to keep up with how you are doing. You are in my prayers daily and I too believe in miracles. Take care and happy belated birthday!! Carol G.