Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Delight really liked Dr. Barry Mirtsching yesterday. They visited with him about an hour and half. The doctor is probably in his 30's. She will probably switch to this doctor. He did say that he thought that Delight's cancer was slow growing because it took 4 years to show back up. He also told her that nothing was wrong in her waiting to start any treatment. He has a lot of different ideas. She liked the idea of having about 6 different chemos as options. He told her about the different side effects on each one.

First he wants to start with the pathology report from 2002. He wants to do his own report. The report that she had been given was that HER 2 negative was a rare breast cancer. Only one percent of people have this kind of breast cancer. He said that there are some new tests now. Results could take up to 2 or 3 weeks. He does not use the test to check her marker count. The liver did not feel like it was enlarged. He could feel something in her chest. He told her to go ahead and take the bone builder treatments that she had been taking. Delight sent him the MRI & CT scans that she took in December to him this morning.

After he gets his report back on the new pathology report she will go back to see him and they will decide what treatment option they are going to use.

Everything sounds good. Delight looks really pretty today. She feels a little tired from yesterday. I know that she was glad she went to see this new doctor. She was glad to hear he had some different options.

I will keep everyone informed.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah! That sounds like a good report to me. Keep us updated! :)