Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Terry Joe & Delight are going back to Dallas this morning. They are going to do an x-ray on her lungs at noon and then she sees the doctor at 1:00. She did not come to work yesterday because she was hurting so bad and was totally exhausted. Tonya and I went to check on her at lunch and she told us that she thought the fluid had built back up because of her breathing and hurting in her back. She is really disappointed that she went through the pain of the surgery and it did not seem to be successful. Her pain since the surgery has been really bad. She is having to take a LOT of pain pills. The pain is in her side where they had put the drain tube in. Talking to her last night she was glad she was going to get some relief. She is supposed to call me after her visit with the doctor. I'll try a post again this afternoon when I hear from them.


PS We will get pictures of the baby as soon as Delight gets here with her camera!!!

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