Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Please stop and pray for the Eidson family. They need it. I talked with Delight about 10:00 and they were waiting for her papers to be dismissed. She told me that she would not have gotten out of the hospital today. Since Riley had the wreck they were going to dismiss her. She would just have to watch her breathing. (For those who don't know Riley had a wreck this morning at Millerton. They had to air lift him to Longview. His injuries are to the hip and leg areas. They have not found any internal injuries yet) Her voice sounded strong but she said that her nerves were shot. She said that she will feel a whole lot better when she sees Riley. She was also worried about Reesha & the baby. When she gets to Longview and checks on him she said that she will call me back. When I hear I'll post again.


1 comment:

Pam Owens-Farley said...

Delight and TJ...just to let you know we are thinking of you, Riley, Resha and the kids...stays strong and let me know if there is anything at all that we can do...I will be in constant prayer for you and yours.