Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Tonya & I went out for a short visit at lunch today. She said that she was feeling much better today. She thinks the reason why she hasn't been feeling well is due to her sinus problem. It has moved down into her chest. Dr. Salyer gave her some antibiotics yesterday. She looked really good to me. Her color was good and she talked & laughed with us. The only thing is she doesn't have much strength.

She has an appointment with Dr. Engstrom tomorrow. Terry Joe will be taking her.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praying that the days will be better soon. I know how bad sinus problems can make you feel. My heart is full of love for you, T.J. and your (our) family. I hope your strength comes back soon. I know everybody looks up to you and is in awe of your mental strength - the body will come back if you keep the mind and spirit going.