Friday, June 15, 2007


DELIGHT-O-METER is remaining at a 10 !!!!!!!!!!!!

Delight made it to work again today!!! She was able to sleep until about 8:00 this morning with only waking up a couple of times last night. She looks really good today and feels okay. But she was getting really tired around 3:00 and decided she better go home and get a little rest before her company gets into town.

We went to Papa's to celebrate Jane's birthday at lunch. The only thing Jane didn't get to wear the hat. They were so busy I guess they forgot to bring it out. Next time Jane!!

Jennifer and her family should be in town around 6:00. Delight is looking forward to them so much. She has been talking about what her and Kaylee were going to be doing. I'm glad she is feeling good so she can enjoy her family!!

Have a good weekend.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mom, we are so glad that we got to spend time with you this weekend. I love when we come down. It is always peaceful and enjoying. I am so glad that you were feeling better and I hope you have fun this weekend too. Get plenty of rest this week, you're going to need it to keep up with the girls! I love you! Jenn