Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Tonya & I had a short visit with Delight. She seem to be feeling a little better. The nurse called and she will be going for her first chemo treatment tomorrow at 10:00. She told her it would take 2 1/2 hours. (Terry Joe will be taking her tomorrow.) She will be going every week for her chemo. She said she would see us tomorrow afternoon!!



Anonymous said...

Kaye, thanks for all the updates, it is so great to know how she is doing. Delight, I will be thinking about you tomorrow, hope all goes well. Love, Vicki

Anonymous said...

Delight, I got to see Jenn yesterday and that was a joy. She is a great girl--just like her mama! Love you both, Cindy

Anonymous said...

Mom, I was so glad I got to spend some time with you the past few days. It was wonderful to see how you were doing for myself. Even though Kaye is doing a wonderful job, I wished I could see you everyday so I would know for myself. I love you and I am sure tomorrow will go well. I already miss you! Jenn

Anonymous said...

I'm glad Jennifer got to come in and see you. She's a sweety.

We'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Aunt Delight,

We will be praying for you today!

Are you going to wear your red lipstick?

Love you!!
Stacey & Christopher