Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Sorry this is so late today. I've had a senior moment. I just plain forgot to post.

I told Delight yesterday that she is doing so good that I forget that she is even sick.

DELIGHT-O-METER is steady staying at a 10.

She is feeling really good again today. She looks wonderful, too.

Sheila is taking Delight for her chemo treatment tomorrow. Along with her chemo she will be taking the avastin so it will take just a little longer for her treatment than last time.



Anonymous said...

Even on your not so good days you are beautiful! I am so thankful the chemo is not bad this time. Two down and you still have hair!!!
Love from Vicky & Jim

Andrea Griggs said...

You sure have a sweet sister-in-law. Have a safe trip and again, you are in my prayers. Love you...

Anonymous said...

I will be thinking of you tomorrow. Hope your day goes well. I am sure Sheila will take care of you. Glad you are feeling so good. Love you..Becky