Wednesday, February 14, 2007



What a GREAT turnout!!! We hardly have anything left. It has been a WONDERFUL morning!!!

Delight is feeling really good and has been downstairs greeting everyone.
She had a good night sleep last night only waking up at 3:30am and then going back to sleep in Terry Joe's chair.

GOOD NEWS!!! She has not had to take much of her pain medicine.

SHE deserves a 10 on the DELIGHT-O-METER today!!! GO DELIGHT GO!!! She asked me earlier how she looked. I told her she looked very beautiful! Purple is one of her colors.

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to EVERYONE who baked or purchased something!!!



Anonymous said...

Happy Valentine's Day! Wish I was there to share in the goodies. I have been craving chocolate muffins some for strange reason. It's good to know you are feeling better. Enjoy the day...
Love ya - Andrea

Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear you are having a good day and that you got some rest last night. Tell Tonya that the chocolate covered strawberries were absolutely wonderful and I am sorry I missed you when I was at the bank. Have a great Valentine's G.