Wednesday, February 7, 2007


Hello everyone!! Delight had another good nights sleep last night she only woke up once. She looks really good. The only problem she is having this morning is her throat. She said that it hurts really bad. I noticed her to struggling to swallow when she was eating this morning. Other than that problem she said she is feeling good.

DELIGHT-O-METER is at a 8 1/2 today.



Anonymous said...

Kaye, you are doing a great job blogging. If your good looking boss fires you, you can get employment in the computer industry.

Hope Delight gets to feeling better.

Anonymous said...

Aunt Delight,

Christopher and I are so glad that we got to come see you this past weekend. I had tried to post on here before we came, but I guess it didn't work. I don't know if we told you or not, but, as always, thank you so much for letting us stay at your cabin. We really do need to get one of our own one of these days.

Your new house looks great and I know you and Uncle TJ are very proud of it. There was plenty of room for all of your family and friends to gather to visit you.

We are both so proud to be part of this family and to have you in our lives. I know that you have done a lot for Christopher over the years and it means a lot. We may not get to see you very often, but when we do, we enjoy every moment.

Well, I'll keep reading up on you and sending our love.

-Christopher & Stacey

Anonymous said...

I wasn't real sure about the DELIGHT-o-meter at first, hey I thought it was broke with that low reading of 3.5 a couple of days ago. My Momma has never been anything less than 12/10. But I see that it's working better now so it gets another week trial!
And I totally agree with anonymous, Kaye you are awesome. Thank you so much. I love being able to check on MOM without having to bother her all the time, just some of the time.

Love You Mom,

Anonymous said...

Hey Delight! Glad that you are having a great day. Love to see the pictures and read how you are doing. Looks like you are in good hands! (well, pretty good - I forgot you do have Kaye and Lisa looking after you) We're keeping you in our thoughts daily. Hang in there!!

Love to you all,
Beth Ann

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are having good days! I check on you everyday through this wonderful website, thanks to Kaye for doing such a great job. Love, Vicki