Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Terry Joe called a little while ago and he sure did sound tired. He said as soon as he gets a chance he will post again. He also wanted to tell everyone if you call him and he doesn't answer his phone....don't panic. It's hard for him to answer if he is in the room with Delight and she is sleeping. He is hoping to catch the doctor today and talk with him. He said that Delight slept last night from 12:00-4:00 this morning. Her back is bothering her and she is still having a little trouble breathing. She is doing breathing treatments pretty often. Terry Joe also said that she is worried because she is not getting better. She wants to be up and about so bad.

Mike & Cindy Williams will be going to see them early afternoon. Mike had a doctors appointment in Dallas not to far from the hospital. Cindy is going to stay with Delight so Terry Joe can get out for a while. Walter and Darlene are going this afternoon and spend the night. Maybe Terry Joe can get a little sleep tonight.

Maybe Terry Joe will post later today so we can stay updated. I'm not going to call because I know that his phone is ringing off the wall.


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