Friday, August 8, 2008


We are in Delight's room. Her vitals are good. She talked to us a little. Her breathing is labored. She is resting now. She said that she is tired of this place. She does not feel good. we told her everyone loved her and was praying for her. She said good.



Andrea Griggs said...

Kaye - my daughter Lea Ann is in Dallas. She is not far from the hospital and will help in any way she can. She can deliver food, etc. Please tell Delight if there is anything special she wants, Lea Ann will definitely get it to her. I have been checking her blog about every 10 minutes to see if there are updates. Also, please tell Delight and TJ I am adding their names to every prayer request I can find. I wish I were closer and could see Delight. Does she feel like having visitors there or would it just be too much? Please tell her how much I love her.

Anonymous said...

Kay & Tonya,
Please give my Delight a kiss and my love. I am like Andrea - on pins and needles watching for word. You can hug my brother for me too. I am sure he needs all the hugs he can get. You girls are such wonderful friends. Delight has such a massive amount of love and prayers surrounding her. My cell is 918-231-0811 is anyone wants to call me. Vicky